Logimic Light is the street lighting control system for small and middle municipalities, industrial complexes, sport grounds, parks and private sector. It is built on the ACADA platform integrating IoT devices, 3-rd party applications, asset management, workflow management and citizens connectivity. Logimic Light is simple and affordable street lighting control supporting many industrial devices.

Simple solution: The system is available from any computer, tablet or mobile device via web application. You can control entire system, change programs, manualy turn on/off or set intensity of the lights, reorder devices to locations over map and also overview graphs and statistics. On the dashboard you can see the real status and positions of lighting sposts, set notifications and alerts.

Non-invasive: The system does not require any impact on the infrastructure. Radio transciever are installable inside or outside lamps and control gateways can be placed into power switchers, outside on the poles, or even out of lighting infrastructure.

Variable: We can make smart any outdoor LED lighting with the external mountable radio transcivers or even more demanding installation when the radio control unit must not be visible at all as historical, original or special designed lights. We also manage sports ground lamps when one control unit manages more LED units.

Scalable: The system is adaptable to the size, cost but also to the local conditions of the installation. We provide three radio modules form factors – Lighting DALI bridge, Zhaga and Nema modules and several gateway hardware of 3-rd parties. You are not tied to one hardware provider or manufacturer.

Easy install: Commissionning and maintenance make a significant part of the street lighting control investment. We prepared tools for automatic building of radion network, backuping or restoring of the network, replacement of radio modules, gateways and more. It is ease to make your street lighting working.

Integrable: ACADA system supports other smart city and smart industri applications like power, gas, water meters, trash cans, smart parking, air quality control and more. Everything integrated in the one common ACADA platform integrating devices, 3rd-party applications, asset management and daily workflow for city managers.
Logimic Light can be also used as your second choice complementary system thanks to its easy-use approach. Please visit our product page or contact us for more details.